Tag: Ubuntu Linux

  • How to use Tcpdump Command in Linux

    How to use Tcpdump Command in Linux

    Introduction to tcpdump command TCPDump is a powerful command-line tool used for analyzing network traffic. It captures and displays the contents of network packets based on specified criteria. As a diagnostic tool, tcpdump offers a detailed view of the packets traversing a network, allowing users to inspect the data and headers of various network protocols.…

  • How to Check and Set the Linux Server’s Hostname

    How to Check and Set the Linux Server’s Hostname

    When it comes to identifying a server in a network, the hostname plays a crucial role. It is the unique name assigned to a server, allowing it to be easily recognized and accessed by other devices on the network. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of checking and setting the…

  • 17 Essential Commands for Network management

    17 Essential Commands for Network management

    Understanding Linux commands is vital for system administrators, network engineers, and IT professionals. Here is a list of essential Linux commands that are fundamental for managing, troubleshooting, and configuring network settings. Command Description hostname Check and set the server’s hostname. Essential for identifying the server in a network. host Retrieve DNS details for a given…

  • How to shutdown or Linux from terminal

    How to shutdown or Linux from terminal

    In the Linux operating system, managing how you shut down or reboot your system is a crucial aspect of system administration. The command line offers a variety of commands for these purposes, each with its specific functions and options. This article highlights most commonly used shutdown commands in Linux: systemctl, shutdown, reboot, halt, and poweroff.…

  • Where Are Scheduled Commands Stored on Linux?

    Where Are Scheduled Commands Stored on Linux?

    Linux systems provide a powerful feature called “cron” for scheduling commands or scripts to run automatically at specific times or intervals. Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems, including Ubuntu. When you schedule a command using cron, it is stored in a file called a “cron table” or “crontab” for short. Each…