17 Essential Commands for Network management

Understanding Linux commands is vital for system administrators, network engineers, and IT professionals. Here is a list of essential Linux commands that are fundamental for managing, troubleshooting, and configuring network settings.

hostnameCheck and set the server’s hostname. Essential for identifying the server in a network.
hostRetrieve DNS details for a given host, including IP addresses, MX records, etc.
pingCheck remote server reachability using ICMP; displays round-trip time.
curlVersatile tool for data transfer and troubleshooting network issues, useful for downloading files, API testing.
wgetDownload files, useful for troubleshooting proxy connections and connectivity issues.
ipModern replacement for ifconfig; used to configure and retrieve information about network interfaces.
arpManage and view the ARP cache, which is crucial for network layer interactions.
ss/netstatCheck active connections, listening ports, and Unix socket connections.
tracerouteUse ICMP to trace the path to a destination server, displaying time between hops.
mtrCombines ping and traceroute functionalities, provides additional information like intermediate hosts.
digRetrieve detailed DNS records associated with a domain.
nslookupSimilar to dig, used for simpler DNS queries.
ncUtility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP/UDP; useful for debugging.
telnetTest remote connectivity on specific ports, verify if a port is open.
routeRetrieve and manipulate the IP routing table information.
tcpdumpCapture and analyze network packets, essential for network troubleshooting.
lsofList open files and associated process information, including network sockets.


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