How to System Details Using the Host Command

When it comes to managing your website or troubleshooting network issues, having access to accurate DNS details is crucial. The Domain Name System (DNS) is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses and managing various other records, such as MX records for email routing. In this blog post, we will explore how to retrieve DNS details for a given host using the host command.

What is the host command?

The host command is a powerful utility available in most Unix-based operating systems, including Linux and macOS. It allows you to retrieve DNS information for a specific host by querying DNS servers directly. With the host command, you can obtain various details like IP addresses, MX records, CNAME records, and more.

Using the host command to retrieve DNS details

Using the host command is straightforward. Simply open your terminal or command prompt and type the following:

host hostname

Replace hostname with the domain or host you want to retrieve the DNS details for. Let’s say we want to retrieve the DNS details for


After executing the command, you will see the DNS details for the specified host. The output will include the IP addresses associated with the host, as well as any additional records like MX records, CNAME records, and more.

Understanding the host command output

The host command provides detailed information about the DNS records associated with a host. Here are some common elements you might encounter in the output:

IP address (A record)

The IP address (also known as the A record) is the most basic DNS record. It maps a domain name to an IPv4 address. In the host command output, you will see the IP addresses associated with the specified host.

Mail exchanger (MX record)

The MX record specifies the mail server responsible for handling email for the domain. If you’re troubleshooting email delivery issues, the MX record is particularly important. The host command will display the MX records associated with the host.

Canonical name (CNAME record)

A CNAME record is used to create an alias for a domain or subdomain. It allows you to point multiple domain names to the same IP address. The host command will show any CNAME records associated with the host.

Time-to-Live (TTL)

The Time-to-Live (TTL) value indicates how long the DNS information should be cached by other DNS servers. It is measured in seconds. In the host command output, you will find the TTL value for each DNS record.

Additional options and advanced usage

The host command also offers additional options for more advanced usage. Here are a few examples:

  • -t: Specify the record type to query. For example, host -t NS will retrieve the NS (nameserver) records for
  • -a: Display all records for the specified host, including IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
  • -v: Enable verbose output, providing more detailed information about the DNS query.

These options can be useful when you need to retrieve specific types of DNS records or require more detailed information.


The host command is a valuable tool for retrieving DNS details for a given host. Whether you need to find the IP addresses associated with a domain, troubleshoot email delivery issues, or gather other DNS information, the host command provides a simple and efficient solution. By mastering this command, you can gain valuable insights into your network and ensure the smooth operation of your online services.


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